Monday, March 28, 2005


Is anyone or has anyone taken English 301x online? One of the assignments is to read an article on Ideology and Ideological State Apparatusses by Louis Althusser and I am completely stuck. Everytime I start reading it I either fall alseep or can't get past the 4th or 5th page and don't understand what the hell it is about in the first place. I'm thinking of going to the writing center but I am afraid they will look at it and laugh at me or not understand it either. I have no clue why anyone would read it if they didn't have to let alone why anyone would read it in the first place.

I need to finish my website before it's too late and I forget how I did everything.

I guess google has a free download for their new photo editing sytem called Picasa I haven't tried it yet but I read a review about it in a magazine called The Digital Photographer that I received a subscription to in my Easter basket. Pretty good magazine, I only wish I could afford the cameras that it reviews.

On a personal note, in case anyone cares, I went to Sir Mix Alot/Tone Loc/Young MC this weekend. Good fun...I got Sir Mix Alot's autograph.

Spell check is not cooperating so forgive the errors.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Documentary Resource

I was just messing around on the computer looking up stuff about documentaries and found this link that seems like it will be helpfull.

I'm excited about this assignment. I don't know why but since I learned we were making short films I have been looking forward to it. No ideas yet on what to do it on but I'm sure we will think of something.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Screw You Blogspot

I just typed a big long post and it somehow erased itself when I tried to spell check. My site is on the server. Here is the link I am not typing everything else again.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


At the moment, I hate:
* My computer
* The internet
* Dreamweaver
* Style sheets
* Designing webpages
* Server spaces and FTP files (though not as much as I used to)

I’m actually writing this post in word to later add to my blog because my computer will not load the website once you log in. It is doing the same thing to yahoo mail as well. I tried downloading Mozilla and it will let me into both sites but then if I click new post or reply to an email then it pops up a message that says “File Contains No Data”

I have a general idea of what I want to do for my stupid webpage mapped out on paper. It’s a good idea, I think it will look nice, but I can’t get it to happen in Dreamweaver. I finally started to get somewhere and my computer started freezing up on me. Well, screw you too then.

I did make some progress today on my server. I figured out last week sometime ho to set it up finally and log into the FTP thing but couldn’t figure out how to put new files into it or get past the thing in the CSS sheets to let me start designing on it and have the right info for my server in it. I figured all that out today. I think. Who knows until I start trying to load everything once it is done and what not.

I’m done. I restarted my computer tried to get into Blogspot again to see if maybe this time it would work, and I am done.

Over the weekend I plan to finish getting my schools and other information organized, typing the text that will go on my site, and getting the images I want ready to go onto the site. If I can at least get everything ready then maybe the frustration that will be coming up the next few days will be minimized.

If all else fails then I will just make it in word. I have made a few webpages in word and if I remember right they turned out nicely and were half of the frustration. I really want to make it fully in Dreameaver though because it is a good program that I need to learn how to use properly.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Anything is Better Than Working

To avoid starting work this morning, I decided to browse the internet for my 2 good websites and 2 bad ones.

So far, I found a purposely bad website that is called Web Pages That Suck. The author, Vincent Flander claims you can learn good design by checking out bad design. It has a blog area that is up to today's date in which he comments on bad websites for the day and whatever else he needs to say. I found it amusing with helpful links and tools for web design. I haven't decided if it would still be considered a bad website for class example or a good website since it is bad on purpose.

Bad Webpages
I stole this webpage off of the website above for an example of a bad website. Before reading their explanation, I checked it out myself and came to the same conclusion. The website is for a company called Brite Vision Technologies for an IT website they should probably fire whoever they had design the webpage. It uses the frames design and some of the frames are in the PDF format which also takes forever to load which is pretty bad because I am on my work computer and it has cable internet. I could have designed a better website than this.

In looking for bad website, I found The Worst of the Web which is supposed to be reviewing bad websites that readers submit but I think that the website itself isn't that great. It say updated daily but once you find the archives you are looking for there are maybe 2-5 updates a month in the past year. There are 3 cartoon guys, Buzz, Melvin, & Chip, that give their comments of the page of the day (or month in their case) and even the comments are annoying. At first what to do on the website isn't entirly clear and right before I said, "Screw this site, it's stupid," I found the archives. They do have quite a few example of bad websites though.

Good Webpages
I'm using The Onion as an example of a good website. Automatically on viewing you can tell that it is a news related website by the way it is layed out to look like a news paper. There are 3 columns of information and there isn't too much text to find what you want to read. It is easy to follow and has very funny/interesting content. The website is easy to navigate and find your way back to where you were originally.

Another website I chose for good design is it is a movie review/information website. The homepage has statistics and current release information along with an easy to navigate site for information about every other movie. My only complaint is that it's kind of a puke green color (or the color of rotten tomatoes) but it's nothing too bad that would make you not want to view it.