Monday, April 18, 2005

More Stuff

Tom Bailor, project coordinator with the environmental science and technology program of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), and Lloyd Barkley, staff member of the CTUIR Department of Cultural Resources, are again providing the instruction at Tamástslikt on the ancient tools and crafts. They harvest the tule reeds used in making the ducks and provide the flint-knapping and atlatl materials.

That's it for now but I'm sure I will have alot more to add.

To Do:

I have a whole list of styuff to do this week for the project:

* Catch up on WEB CT posting
* Call Umatilla and see if I can get an interview set up for Friday
* Call CREHST and set up interviews for web
* Email list of what needs to be done to my group
* Figure out music stuff
* Catch up on reading

We went out this weekend and shot alot of footage. We need to start editing as soon as possible so that we aren't swamped when it is almost due. I think the editing will be interesting and stressfull. I tried playing around with movie maker on my computer but it is so slow that it wouldn't cooperate.

We still have some shooting to do but not much at all.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Our Film

This weekend, my job is to get the articles from the library having to do with our topic. We chose to make the documentary on the CREHST Museum and the proposed Hanford Reach National Monument Museum and Interpretive Center (I never get all of that right)

There is controversy surrounding the proposed museum being placed on Columbia Point by Native Americans and we discovered last weekend, by the employees at the current museum. We were candidly told that they were told to either compete with the new museum or join. I'm hoping in our interviews we can get these same comments but we are wondering if it was more off-the-cuff comments that would hold more reservation in being said in a recorded interview. We spent quite a few hours at the museum last weekend to decide on a topic and I'm glad we found one that all of us have taken an interest in.

Article List:
1/21/2003- pg B1- Richland Cultural Center in Limbo
2/19/2003-B1-Committee evaluates locations for Reach Center
5/21/2003-B3- Board to seek interpretive center plan manager
6/24/2003-B1-Columbia Point proposed for Reach Center Most partners....
6/24/2003-B1-Columbia Point proposed for Reach Center Neighbors sick of....
6/25/2003-B1-Tribes oppose Reach center site
7/9/2003 A1-Center looses Tribal support
7/10/2003-B3-Richland Parks to discuss closing Columbia point south....
8/5/2003-B1-Richland district agrees to work on Reach center
9/9/2003-Hanford Reach center moves ahead
12/5/2003-B2-Hanford Reach center to be dedicated today
12/6/2003-A1-Historical center dedicated
12/16/2003-B3-Architect hire near for Reach center
3/20/2004-F17-Hanford Reach center to strengthen economy
6/22/2004-B2-Board approves governing body for Columbia Point South
7/15/2004-A10-Columbia point plan worth second look
10/01/2004-A1-Plans for reach center released
2/26/2005-F22-Reach visitor center a dynamic partnership by area...

If anyone is thinking of using newspaper articles to research their documentary topic, all you have to do is call the Tri-City Herald and tell the librarian there what you are researching. She will then print out a list or articles with their title, date, and location in the paper that you can view at the MidColumbia Library.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Is anyone or has anyone taken English 301x online? One of the assignments is to read an article on Ideology and Ideological State Apparatusses by Louis Althusser and I am completely stuck. Everytime I start reading it I either fall alseep or can't get past the 4th or 5th page and don't understand what the hell it is about in the first place. I'm thinking of going to the writing center but I am afraid they will look at it and laugh at me or not understand it either. I have no clue why anyone would read it if they didn't have to let alone why anyone would read it in the first place.

I need to finish my website before it's too late and I forget how I did everything.

I guess google has a free download for their new photo editing sytem called Picasa I haven't tried it yet but I read a review about it in a magazine called The Digital Photographer that I received a subscription to in my Easter basket. Pretty good magazine, I only wish I could afford the cameras that it reviews.

On a personal note, in case anyone cares, I went to Sir Mix Alot/Tone Loc/Young MC this weekend. Good fun...I got Sir Mix Alot's autograph.

Spell check is not cooperating so forgive the errors.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Documentary Resource

I was just messing around on the computer looking up stuff about documentaries and found this link that seems like it will be helpfull.

I'm excited about this assignment. I don't know why but since I learned we were making short films I have been looking forward to it. No ideas yet on what to do it on but I'm sure we will think of something.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Screw You Blogspot

I just typed a big long post and it somehow erased itself when I tried to spell check. My site is on the server. Here is the link I am not typing everything else again.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


At the moment, I hate:
* My computer
* The internet
* Dreamweaver
* Style sheets
* Designing webpages
* Server spaces and FTP files (though not as much as I used to)

I’m actually writing this post in word to later add to my blog because my computer will not load the website once you log in. It is doing the same thing to yahoo mail as well. I tried downloading Mozilla and it will let me into both sites but then if I click new post or reply to an email then it pops up a message that says “File Contains No Data”

I have a general idea of what I want to do for my stupid webpage mapped out on paper. It’s a good idea, I think it will look nice, but I can’t get it to happen in Dreamweaver. I finally started to get somewhere and my computer started freezing up on me. Well, screw you too then.

I did make some progress today on my server. I figured out last week sometime ho to set it up finally and log into the FTP thing but couldn’t figure out how to put new files into it or get past the thing in the CSS sheets to let me start designing on it and have the right info for my server in it. I figured all that out today. I think. Who knows until I start trying to load everything once it is done and what not.

I’m done. I restarted my computer tried to get into Blogspot again to see if maybe this time it would work, and I am done.

Over the weekend I plan to finish getting my schools and other information organized, typing the text that will go on my site, and getting the images I want ready to go onto the site. If I can at least get everything ready then maybe the frustration that will be coming up the next few days will be minimized.

If all else fails then I will just make it in word. I have made a few webpages in word and if I remember right they turned out nicely and were half of the frustration. I really want to make it fully in Dreameaver though because it is a good program that I need to learn how to use properly.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Anything is Better Than Working

To avoid starting work this morning, I decided to browse the internet for my 2 good websites and 2 bad ones.

So far, I found a purposely bad website that is called Web Pages That Suck. The author, Vincent Flander claims you can learn good design by checking out bad design. It has a blog area that is up to today's date in which he comments on bad websites for the day and whatever else he needs to say. I found it amusing with helpful links and tools for web design. I haven't decided if it would still be considered a bad website for class example or a good website since it is bad on purpose.

Bad Webpages
I stole this webpage off of the website above for an example of a bad website. Before reading their explanation, I checked it out myself and came to the same conclusion. The website is for a company called Brite Vision Technologies for an IT website they should probably fire whoever they had design the webpage. It uses the frames design and some of the frames are in the PDF format which also takes forever to load which is pretty bad because I am on my work computer and it has cable internet. I could have designed a better website than this.

In looking for bad website, I found The Worst of the Web which is supposed to be reviewing bad websites that readers submit but I think that the website itself isn't that great. It say updated daily but once you find the archives you are looking for there are maybe 2-5 updates a month in the past year. There are 3 cartoon guys, Buzz, Melvin, & Chip, that give their comments of the page of the day (or month in their case) and even the comments are annoying. At first what to do on the website isn't entirly clear and right before I said, "Screw this site, it's stupid," I found the archives. They do have quite a few example of bad websites though.

Good Webpages
I'm using The Onion as an example of a good website. Automatically on viewing you can tell that it is a news related website by the way it is layed out to look like a news paper. There are 3 columns of information and there isn't too much text to find what you want to read. It is easy to follow and has very funny/interesting content. The website is easy to navigate and find your way back to where you were originally.

Another website I chose for good design is it is a movie review/information website. The homepage has statistics and current release information along with an easy to navigate site for information about every other movie. My only complaint is that it's kind of a puke green color (or the color of rotten tomatoes) but it's nothing too bad that would make you not want to view it.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Stupid Computer

I have been trying to post on this thing all weekend (and the webct as well) but my computer at home has been dysfunctional and wouldn't let me post on either. It just kept loading the pages forever.

Now that I am at work and came in to post the explanations for the websites in the post below, I have come to realize that I left my flash drive at home. I'll do it later.

I have a feeling since I suggested the Graduate School FAQ page that I am the one that will be doing it. Here are some links I have found so far for graduate school in general and for photography.

I also found a helpfull links on yahoo and gradsource that allow you to search for grad schools by program and (this link wasn't helpful to me but might work for someone else)

Graduate School,13302,Education_Kaplan_why,00.html

Photography yahoo results for the US (WSU in Pullman is the only listing for WA),%20graduate%20school&OVKEY=photography%20school%20graduate&kw=photography_school_graduate (grad school for wsu fine arts)

That's it for now.

I kind of have a layout idea in my head for the webpage but I think I need to first of all learn dreamweaver better and second see what kind of layouts we are all supposed to have. My idea, since it is about photography, is to have the main page be a picture of a camera and place links on different parts of the camera that lead you into each section of my page. I want to make it a 3rd generation page if I can do that. (I know there is no restriction on whether I can, I just hope my design turns out to be that way.)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

1st Generation Website: Jem & the Holograms

2nd Generation Website: Your Puppy: The Early Years

3rd Generation Website: Nobbynees Ltd.

4th Generation Website: B&H Photo

Friday, February 18, 2005

Books Anyone?

I volunteered lastnight to pick out half of the books for the DTC Club so if anyone has any suggestions for books they would like to have access to regarding digital technology or art of any kind feel free to let me know. I plan to start looking this weekend.

It'll be like shopping except I don't have to pay for it. On the downside I don't get to take them home either.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Wed Design/Publishing Links

The link I posted above is a website that seems to be very helpful in web page publishing. I was going to use it's tutorial for my article to bring to class but it's too long and there are so many links around the page that it is better to see online. I haven't read through all of them so maybe there is something that would work to take to class.

Another plus is that the author provides links to free downloadable software to assist you in web page publishing. That will probably come in handy. Another plus compared to some I have found so far is that you are not bombarded with pop up ads.

This is another link I found that would also be too long to print out. It discusses the Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design. There are quite a few helpful links throughout that discuss other "do's" and "don't" of web design.
I'm sure I will be adding more as I look

Friday, February 11, 2005

To Go or Not to Go

In discussing our next project with those around me, I have received responses to the effect of:

"Grad school just costs more money"
"I have heard that the income difference between those who went to grad school and those that just obtained a 4 year degree isn't enough of a difference to make me want to go to school longer"
"Haven't you been going to school long enough?"
"What is grad school?"

You get the picture.

I have a pretty big hunch that this project is to open us up to the idea of going to grad school and what our options are. I think we should also have a page that brings up the question of why you should attend grad school. Kind of an FAQ page for responses like I received above so that students like myself that haven't even thought about grad school won't immediately be turned off from other people's theories on the subject.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Just read over the Unit 2 project sheet and I think this project will be very helpful in the process of making it and when it is done. I really really want to do the Photography one so hopefully everyone in the class is repulsed by the idea of it. If not, I'll live I suppose :)

I have no knowledge of anything about graduate school of any kind so having all of the areas done to let us know what our options are will be very resourceful and maybe show me whether or not graduate school is an option I want to pursue.

I'm done thinking about it for the weekend I have a pile of reading and for once a good chunk of time available for the next few days to catch up on for my other classes and a little bit for this class too.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I Know It's Midnight

I'm still going to post though and technically I already have 5. Would have had a longer found collage post a couple weeks ago if my computer hadn't froze on my and then deleted the post I had been working on.

Still left on the "To Do" List:
* set up server space

Wow, I did more of the list than I thought and I just finished almost all of the collage so hopefully it turns out nicely after everything is dry. Surprisingly, I finished where I won't be up all night working on it and the elements I originally pictured in my head were doable and turned out somewhat to be what I had wanted.

Hope everyone else had their projects turn out well.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Mini Project #2

My computer is not cooperating right now so I am just going to post my mini project #2 in it and work on the whole server thing later.

Unit 1 Project

I've had a vision for the project that I have been toying with since we received the requirements and I read the information on campus expansion. Tonight I pretty much put the background together along with a couple elements. If I can get the server space set up this time, I will try posting a link to it. I made the trial project the size that the board will be so it is a pretty big file.

My idea so far is to have the background consist of students representing the 3000 that need to be accommodated for by 2015. My 3-D element will be a picture of the school that I make a few copies of and then use foam sheets to make certain parts of it 3-D. I haven't done it for awhile so I hope it turns out how I want it to.

Other argumental elements will be that it will enrich the student experience through more degree offerings and a wider selection of classes including art classes which we don't have now. Also it will help the community by bringing more jobs to implement the expansion and a few more jobs once it is complete (more professors and staff at the school along with the idea that if there are more people living in the area local businesses will be affected), there would be more cultural events, lectures, and concerts with the proposed expansion for the community to enjoy, and students who already live here but want a 4 year degree aside from the 17 we have to choose from will get to stay in the area.

Ihae a few ideas for how I will visually add these to what I have now but I am not satisfied with what I have come up with so far. I need to work withlayers more and the ones I want to do aren't coming out the way I wanted them to. In our readings there is a part that says that every detail should be there for a reason and none of it there for just decoration. I need to work on this more and also use images intgrated with text (an vise-versa) instead of separating them.

To Do:

* set up server space
* read the rest of the collage links

* go buy board for project
* take pictures of WSU and get the developed
* figure out what the other mediums are going to be besides paper
* get art supplies

* copy center to have pages I made tonight printed
* put together draft of board

Friday, January 28, 2005

A Little Better

I'm finally figuring a few more things out as far as HTML goes. Now I need to come in this weekend and set the colors to how I want them.

So far, I like this class a lot. The content and what we are learning to do/will learn to do is very interesting. I'm catching up on the readings tonight and will comment on them later as well.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Just Messing Around

I am fully aware of how crappy this blog looks but in order to figure out what goes where I replaced all of the template's default pictures with my own and now I must get back to work so I will fix it later tonight.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

First Post

I have no clue what I am doing as far as reformatting my template goes so if everything looks screwed up...sorry. I'm sure I will figure it out more over the weekend.

If anyone knows how to change your background where it contains images let me know. I can't get it to work. Livejournal does it where whatever image you choose repeats itself to fill up the background but it's easy to do and you don't have to edit the codes.

I ramble alot just a warning ahead of time.

Helpfull HTML Links: Color Codes Beginning HTML